Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Do I get to do the HAPPY DANCE???  In this business there are those that believe it's all about the music and that is all that is necessary. Well that is only HALF the picture! Look at music as a product... First and foremost you must have a GOOD product! ( if the buying public wants crap the'll go and buy manure that is labeled "Manure"! They want good songs and good music and are willing to pay for it! But how can they pay for it if they don't know it exists?? How will they ever know that some band in Tulsa is making great music if the artists decision is 100% for the music and everything else will work itself out? THEY WILL NEVER HEAR OF OR ABOUT YOU AND YOUR BELOVED MUSIC WILL DIE WITH YOU!! Great music is nothing if nobody gets to hear it outside of the artist or their loyal "local" following! Hell...Even Mozart had publicity and promotion....MARKETING!!! The 3 M's of our industry are 1)Musicians 2)Music & 3)Marketing! Try leaving out one of the 3 elements and all you do becomes nothing more than a hobby, destined for the attic, garage, or basement! How else could I acheive the #1 spot locally for the Rock category on a major website that caters to independent artists? Am I here to slam my old banmates? Absolutely not, because they chose their path and that path was not for me! But the online fans have spoken... Not me...but the FANS!! And for one reason or another the proof is in the pudding and my pudding tastes damn sweet right now! (Did I tell ya???  I LOVE SWEET PUDDING!!)

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